I went for a meditative walk earlier today and asked God what you needed to know about creating truly, epic love.
What came through was a message about unconditional love.
If you know someone needs to hear this, please send it their way.
In order to truly understand unconditional love, you first have to contemplate God’s perspective.
God has no motive, no agenda, no judgment. God is the source of love, awareness, and all that is good. God also loves everyone unconditionally.
That includes you.
In order to achieve true unconditional love, loving yourself must be part of the equation. Loving yourself unconditionally means treating yourself with care, considering your wants, needs, standards, and preferences. Unconditional love is all-inclusive.
The idea of unconditional love becomes distorted the moment you exclude yourself. To exclude consideration of yourself is to depart from God’s perspective.
To exclude the other, is also, to depart from God’s perspective.
God is not discriminating in where to flow love, how much, or whom to consider more or less.
This perspective is quite difficult for the mind to rationalize, and that’s why it’s become so distorted. It’s been confused for codependency, martyrdom, self abandonment, or being a doormat.
But really ask yourself… how could God’s unconditional love possibly include your neglect, mistreatment, or tolerance of realities you do not enjoy?
The ironic part in all of this is that most people attempt to keep love by withholding it from themselves and others. They withhold their love since it might not be reciprocated. They abandon their deepest desires to evade disappointment. They fail to hold standards because the possibility of losing crumbs frightens them more than a momentary void.
All of it is a departure from God’s perspective, and that creates less love.
In reality, perpetually existing as free-flowing love and maintaining congruency with God’s perspective (and your desires) is a guaranteed way to unlock the highest degree and quality of love.
We often depart from this God-sized love as an attempt to maintain control of our reality, only to find ourselves cut off from our true source and supply.
But what if loving in this way, God-style unconditionality, was actually how you got to have it all?
To doubt that your connection to God will lead to what you want, is no different than Eve being tempted by the serpent. All it took was a seed of doubt.
To doubt God is to doubt the existence of goodness itself, and if you buy into the doubt, you’re outright rejecting the goodness God is supplying to you.
This unconditional love that I’m describing will never fail to surprise you, it calls forth the best in yourself and evokes the best from everyone and everything around you.
God (aka: unconditional love) is always asking something different of you, moment by moment. It has the ability to be anything because it is everything.
What it calls forth in one person, it may not call forth in another. For example, unconditional love may invite someone to evolve through developing more tolerance, another may be invited to evolve by being less tolerant.
The contours of your expansion and developing a higher capacity for love are unique to you.
Developing this capacity is the process of meeting God at your edge, receiving God, and circulating God… becoming, genuine, free flowing, unconditional love as a unique incarnation.
To answer my original question for us all, “how do we create epic love?”
Develop your capacity for true, God-style unconditional love.