I wrote this title down (overflow) right before I walked out the door to run an errand - which just so happens to be next to my favorite frozen yogurt place. Obviously I had to go there when I was finished.🍦
When I walked in, it was completely empty except for the bubbly girl at the counter.
I placed my order, and noticed she accidentally made me a small instead of a medium. So I politely reminded her that I would like a medium…
“Oops! Sorry, let me fix that.”
She way over-corrected the size, and I saw there was a massive amount of frozen yogurt spread over the marble slab as she mixed in fresh strawberries and mini marshmallows.
We both knew there was no way that would fit into a medium cup, so she grabbed a large…
There was so much frozen yogurt, it didn’t really fit in a large container either.
Miraculously, she squeezed the lid on and rang me up. She apologized again and I reassured her, “there are no mistakes, only happy accidents.”
I got back in the car only to realize I was unable to open the container since there was a 100% chance of the contents spilling everywhere.
I imagined God in the clouds kicking his feet and laughing at his hilarious joke.
“Overflow… get it?!?!?!”
Very funny, God. You’re a clever guy.
It really is true that nothing is off limits with God, he’ll use literally anything to communicate with you - even if it’s frozen yogurt.🍦
Before God inserted that well placed punchline, I was contemplating the energetic state of overflow.
Not necessarily material overflow, but energetic overflow.
As I told you guys a little while ago, I was guided to go for daily walks outside, in silence with zero distractions - and I have followed through on this commitment! Every day I go for my walk, weather permitting.
My top priority each day has been to connect with God and follow the next guided step… and as a result, I’ve become acutely aware of the energetic overflow cycle:
Prioritize being full of pure, divine, loving consciousness *cough cough* God
Follow guidance
Follow-through on guidance amplifies fullness
Access the overflow state
Pour out to others
Rinse, repeat.
(Apparently my mind really likes lists and formulas because everything occurs to me this way.)
My whole point in bringing this up is that we are trained out of accessing the goods! (Most of you should know by now, God has all your goods!!!)
Even I sometimes fall back into the thought that focusing on this connection to God is “unproductive” - and I’ve been at this for many years!
When in reality, I have found time and time again that this only ever leads to pure overflow in all areas…
I’m more available and present for my loved ones.
I feel better.
My creating is nonstop flowing (if you can’t tell.)
I make better choices.
My finances drastically improve.
Every day feels like an adventure.
My mood is way better.
I have way more fun.
My life feels richer.
My desires are clearer.
My faith is stronger.
Work feels satisfying and effortless.
What I’m saying is… you couldn’t pry my connection to God from my cold, dead hands!
Okay that’s a bit dramatic, but you get my point.
This ties into what I was talking about the other day with practicality and responsibility.
Prioritizing a connection to God is not “practical,” but in my experience it is an extraordinary way to live. (And the byproduct is divinely unrealistic!)