When the going gets tough, you face the greatest temptation:

Will you remain faithful to your actual desire or pull the plug?

Most people, in the face of opposition or unfavorable circumstances will cut the legs off their own desire. They get nervous, negotiate down, and shrink their ask.

This is a mistake!

Remember, how creative energy operates… this formless substance that eventually materializes, does not discriminate. It doesn’t care if you aim high or low, it simply goes wherever it’s focused.

In the valley, when life tempts you to shrink your desire, you must not take the bait.


That will throttle your blessings! Miracles grow scarce in an atmosphere of begging for crumbs or the bare minimum.

If you find yourself in a valley, so what? Keep your aim high! There’s no need to stay down there longer than necessary. Whether you aim big or small makes no difference to universal law.

Lowering your aim will only ensure you prolong your stay in the valley.

Of course take care of yourself and your body however you need to. I expect that to be common sense for my audience by now.

But do not let the valley trick you into shrinking your ask!

I speak from a lot of personal experience on this one…

Shrinking your ask.
Lowering your aim.
Dimming down your desire.

Does not fucking work!

I have tried it loads of times and can conclude with certainty, it prolongs suffering. Who on God’s green earth wants the bare minimum???

Gross! Nobody wants that bullshit!

Bare minimum vibes are giving… shitty loser boyfriend. Or deadbeat dad. Or lazy, checked out employee.

Is that how you want God to show up for you?
You want God to act like your shitty boyfriend?
You want to just barely scrape by or get “just enough” out of life?

God could dazzle you, you know… but you have to aim there and persist in that expectation.

Be bold in your asks! Don’t take no for an answer! Be ruthless and demanding!

Quit treating God like a shitty boyfriend who gives you stupid crumbs.

Demand an entire cake!

Raise your expectations and you will be met there.

Spend your money and expect an avalanche of funds on the other side.

Be honest in your relationships and expect more love to emerge from the situation.

Look at a challenging circumstance and expect God to perform a miracle.

Use no circumstance as a reason to contract, or sacrifice your desires, expect more!

And send this to that person who needs a little fire today 🔥


