After 6 rounds of APEX, I found there were two specific groups of people that would consistently get holy-shit-this-is-unbelievable kind of results.
The first group were those who were extremely numb. In that situation, APEX is such a massive overhaul that it’s basically impossible for your entire life to not get radically transformed.
The second, were those who had a burning desire…
Big results are a product of big, burning desires.
Even Napoleon Hill talked about this way back in the day - and he was right - I stumbled upon the same findings in my own work.
Lukewarm desires, the “meh” feeling, or the “hmm ha I don’t know” are not ingredients in the recipe for extraordinary results.
Tepid desire is the equivalent of not punching the coordinates into your GPS.
Without a burning desire, you won’t really aim at anything. You might say you want something, but you won’t really commit to it. You’ll be half in, half out, and tolerant of complacency.
A burning desire is what will make you go all in.
A burning desire makes it easier for you to focus, keep your side of the street clean, and it makes it a lot easier for God to deliver it cleanly.
When you hold a mixed bag of “meh,” then your creations are also all over the place. Your creative energy is flowing into a bunch of different directions and there is not enough sustained, concentrated energy flowing in one direction, toward THE singular desired outcome.
Again I remind you, the creative energy or “formless substance” does not discriminate. It simply goes wherever it’s flowed.
When there’s a burning desire, it cleans this up. There’s no question about what to do or where to focus because you’ve decided what you want, and anything in your way will be dissolved - even in the face of difficulty, resistance, opposition, bad moods, or whatever else arises.
For those with burning desires, APEX expedited the unfolding. It was the perfect “road opener” if you will… it gets rid of anything in the way so you can floor it. 🏎️💨
It’s also worth noting that a burning desire is something that often needs to be cultivated. Occasionally they will come out of the blue, but I wouldn’t wait for that.
Learning how to take a desire and nurture it until it becomes a burning hot one is a skill worth developing. It’s important for me to mention, neglecting, avoiding, or numbing out your desires will not keep them alive.
So don’t do that.
I find that potency and intensity of desire is much, much more important than people give credit for.
The sooner you view “meh,” “I don’t know,” and half-heartedness as a warning sign ⚠️ that your desires desperately need your attention, the faster you’ll go.
Don’t be fooled! This lukewarm desire business is something I see with a lot of people! It’s worth paying attention to.
The desire factor is something that I’ve doubled down on in my recent APEX updates, and I know it’s going to kick things up 1,000 notches…