You know that scene in Harry Potter when he drinks the liquid luck?
He’s immediately taken over by good feelings and announces that he’s going to visit Hagrid, but Hermione advises against this saying it “isn’t part of the plan.”
Of course, Harry followed his inspiration and got what he wanted that evening…
Alignment with God is like drinking a big vial of liquid luck!
As your energy solidifies around your desire, the action steps feel… inspired, not planned.
Your inspiration feels right, but is not necessarily rational.
You trust more and more in your state of being, and the action becomes a natural extension of your state (it doesn’t *feel* forced).
What’s that scripture again?
Proverbs 16:9 The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.
You can plan all you want, but in my experience, the next inspired step often seems completely unrelated and often illogical.
Like me, right now for example… I’m in the middle of the only APEX launch of the year and God keeps inspiring me to… write?!
And yet… I fully trust it. This is what God gives me to share today, so I share it.
While I have a clear vision of my desires, there are many things moving behind the scenes that I cannot see.
Many people will read this post for example, but I can’t see the effects of it. Most people who read this and like it will not interact with this, remaining entirely unseen. (Don’t worry, I’m the same way.)
My point is, things are always happening behind the scenes. God is always at work!
So where are you?
Getting squirrelly on your desires?!
Getting distracted?!
Doubting God’s guidance?!
Or are you going all in on it?
Trusting it?
Flying with it?
Be like Harry! Follow the impulse with your desire clear in your mind!
Get juiced up on God, listen with the knowledge you’re always being guided, follow the inspiration that’s placed on your heart, take great pleasure in the process with full awareness that your desires are where you’re headed…
This really is much easier when you just follow the right next step. Or do ye hath little faith?!
Anyway, clear guidance, action, productivity… it’s all way easier when you’re vibing with God. I really don’t know what else to say.
Friendly reminder that APEX is open right now, I trust God will inspire you if this is the next right move in your unfolding ✨
Chat soon! 🤭