In my experience, the greater your capacity for faith, the greater your results.

It’s a simple matter of input output.

Supernatural faith in = Supernatural results out

Of course we could tease apart the differences between faith and knowing but that’s a different conversation…

Whether you realize it or not, you’re always exercising faith in something at all times, just as you have faith that the sun will rise tomorrow.

But when I am talking about supernatural faith, I am largely talking about your aim.

How big, how grand is the image in your mind?

Is the image a simple extension of the ordinary? Or something God sized?

Imagine for a moment that God really did create all this in 6 days, not as a myth or metaphor, but literally.

God didn’t say “welp… nothing is here, so I guess I can’t change it.”

The “nothingness” did not mean anything to God, in the same way your current circumstances mean nothing to God.

God simply said “let there be light,” and there was light.

God did not agonize over the nothingness.
God did not doubt, fear, or recount the past existence of said nothingness.
God simply… creates.

Imagine starting from nothingness and giving birth to the entire universe and beyond.

Have you forgotten that this power dwells within you at all times? It is always working through you, and it takes no lunch breaks. So where is it flowing?

Doesn’t it seem silly to spend this power on worries instead of desires?

Or to utilize the power of God to pay that one bill instead of deliver an avalanche of nonstop abundance?

Or to experience a crumb of attention or relational improvements instead of create an epic love relationship of a life time?

You’ve been using the fucking power of God for crumbs?!?!

Seriously! Think about it…

Going from nothing to 💥BANG💥 the whole ass universe.

And you think your wildest dreams are somehow a tall order 😒

Your dreams are peanuts for God!

Your life can go from nothing to 💥BANG💥 the whole ass universe!

As a matter of fact, many of you have watched me do it loads of times!


Supernatural faith

Being able to look at nothing, but choose to create a universe instead. 🕳️💥🌎

In the game of creation, nothing is where everything happens.

You have the freedom to create more of the same if you wish, but know that it’s a choice.

✨What you have faith in today becomes your reality tomorrow.✨

God can deliver whatever you want, no questions asked… but you have to focus there first, without evidence. The creative power won’t discriminate on your behalf, it just flows toward wherever it’s focused… because you are ultimately in charge of your life.

So pry your grubby little fingers off of the 3D! Quit obsessing over the past and all the shit you don’t want!

And for fucks sake, discipline your mind!

Half the time you’re out here squandering the power of God on all this unwanted stuff! Stop that!

And obviously, if you can’t control your mind then get your nervous system in check, pronto.

Anyway, enough fooling around.

Exercise some supernatural faith will ya? Focus. You know this works (you wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t.) You can do it! All of this comes naturally to you.

And of course, if you’re in the mood to go from nothing 🕳️ to 💥BANG💥 whole ass universe… I would go take a look at APEX. This is the only time it will be open this year. (If it’s right, you’ll feel the pull.)


