I get so irked by time shortage style motivation…

“You only get one life!”
“You’re could die at any moment!”
“You never know when your last day will be!”
“If you don’t hurry up you won’t make the most of your life!!!!!!!”
“Winners move fast, and if you don’t, you suck!”

🙄😒 there are many things I could call this, but “inspiring” isn’t one of them. Dreadful is much closer.

While the whole “hurry up before you die” bit is not my style, I am a big fan of using time well.

I’ve found that “wasting time” doesn’t feel good… and cramming as much as you can in, out of scarcity, also doesn’t feel good - but I’ve concluded my ✨Goldie Locks✨ perspective is this:

The time will pass anyway, so we may as well make it good and spend it well.

Quantity of achievements isn’t necessarily an indication of time well spent (we all know there are plenty of miserable, highly successful people.)

So… what constitutes well-spent time?

Intentional and deliberate moment-by-moment contribution to your highest expression.

Basically, is what you’re doing right now a positive contribution to your personal values and expression or not?

Now let’s get back to this whole “the time will pass anyway” thing…

If you are overly concerned with outcomes, you end up losing sight of your present time contribution - and the time passes anyway. When you lose sight of your contribution, you’ll inadvertently fill your time with mental wrestlings and future-tensing.

Regardless of your desires, you’re filling each moment with… something. And all those somethings become memories. And all those memories become your perception of your life.

No matter what you decide to do or not do, the time will pass anyway.

There is no time shortage, but you are always moving through time. So how would you like to move through time? What would you like to have done? What would make the highest and best possible contribution right now? (And don’t restrict yourself to “productivity.”)

We are all making some sort of contribution right now, no matter what. Even sleeping is a contribution to our physical apparatus!

If you know the time will pass anyway, and the days, weeks, and months will add up quickly…

What will they be filled with?
Will you feel good about how you’ve spent them?
Are you satisfied with how you’re playing this game of life?
Are you making positive contributions or kicking the can down the road?
Are you spending your time well, or waiting?

Waiting, along with everything else is just one possible contribution to right now.

The beauty in all of this is it’s all up to you. You get to contribute however you’d like.

present time contributions = your results + your memories

Can’t you feel the passage of time and how what you’re doing right now is an ongoing contribution to it?

The thoughts you think, the decisions you make, the actions you take… all of it adds up.

I was reflecting on how the high of the New Year has worn off, the “new year, new me” sparkle has faded for many, and we’ve finally gotten to the meat of 2025… hell… we’re almost at the end of Q1!

I was thinking about how I’ve doubled the length of APEX, and how the timing is going to shake out.

It’s a trip - listen to this…

The container concludes on July 31st, then, it will be August…
By the time September is here, and school begins, and the weather cools down, we have the second equinox and suddenly… we’ve entered the holiday season.
And before we know it, we’re watching the ball drop, ringing in 2026 and reflecting on how we spent our time in 2025.

Are we satisfied?
Filled with good memories?
Are we proud of how we chose to contribute to our values and expression?
Was our time filled with waiting or postponing?
Shrinking or deprivation?
Risk or expansion?
Pleasure or numbness?
Do we want to keep living this way?
Do we feel like we knocked it out of the park?
Did we let it be as good as it could have been?

When I look at how “quickly” the year will go by, I don’t observe this from franticness - it just reinvigorates my intentionality and commitment to making it epic and using my time well. The more time passes, I don’t feel scarcity or like time is running out… just an increasingly strong desire to continue spending my time better and better and better.

How would God spend my time? How would God make the most of it? What would God do next?

No matter what position you’re in, unhappy with how things have been going, complacent, or experiencing high degrees of fulfillment and bliss…

The degree to which you expand next is a direct reflection of the quality of your contributions.

The more attuned to your values and desires, the more congruent your contributions to right now… the grander life becomes. And if this is stirring things up for you, I strongly suggest you check out APEX. ✨


